Thoughts from Xandra…

It’s uncomparable one horse to another. Comparing takes away from there own being. All levels are beautiful and the uniqueness is what makes them there selves. It’s about where they are at in the moment. Where it’s an older horse you have rode forever to the younger ones with there first several rides. They may have similar qualities to each other. It’s accepting them just as they are differences in all.

Working together to find what works and what doesn’t work. Learning together as a partnership. Accepting the try. Being in this together simply for the love of it all. Using tools to help us communicate what we’re asking.


We can only be in one place at a time. Our minds can travel to millions of places. The horses bring us back, ground us to the moment. Our feet our rooted into the heart of our home. Our gaze is steady, relaxed, calm and together in the now. For everything is shifting, changing, yet our heart beats remain. For what is a mistake? What is an accident? Until we give this meaning.


As our hearts flutter and nerves come over us we tend to forget what we our doing in the first place. We then have to come back to the breath and slow our steps down. Remembering. Staying focused and keeping the challenges fun and interesting again. Staying connected and in tune with our 4 legged friends🐴🙏❤️.


“There is just something about horses that can touch you deep down in your soul” 💜🐴🙏
I love Sam’s and I relationship and how far we have grown together. He has a heart that is extremely special and one of a kind. He is a wonderful leader to his herd, puts them in there place as needed and is fair. We have a partnership us being the 51% and our horse being 49%.

How do we know what the horse will do ahead of time? This gut feeling, intuition. The vision they can give us and the course of action following. Trust this when it comes to you! We all have this inside our self’s this “knowing.”

The touch of soul to soul understanding of acceptance. The vibration wave lengths matching each others. Reading each other’s thoughts and feelings, tuning in. Riding and dancing with our horses in the soul.

Our own intuition is so powerful. Our own brain and mindsets creating a safe atmosphere to connect and share space in together. With our intuition this allows us the opportunity to further our experiences with our horses. Deepening our connection and relationship with them.

Would if it was all planned and mapped out before you were brought here. All the teachings and lessons to follow. Everything down to the very exact second, you feel it the déjà vu awakening! Lesson plans with our horses written in the stars ahead of time?

Then would if things don’t go according to plan. The horse getting a little distracted. Thinking “we could just go back to the barn now?” Or a little scared of “what’s that in the brush over there?” With a spook and a baby rear here.

Then having to communicate and break down what we are asking to engage Ronnie back with us. Talking with her and giving her the reassurance she seeks.

Trying to make it fun and interesting for them to want to participate in! Connecting the dots and keeping it simple. Backing them up. Doing serpentines in the grassy fields. Connecting to the inner filly with them again and having them connect with our own inner child for a part of the ride. Wail having a course of action and a natural flow as we are out in wide open field. Keeping them reassured and feeling confident.

When I create a connection with Ronnie or any horse for that matter I don’t see holes in there training. I believe we just have more to learn from together on this journey. When I look at the horses I don’t see anything missing. In my eyes they’re already there. They are whole. They are exactly how they are suppose to be. 🙏🐴💜